
Jeremy McLean, Creative Marketer, New Brunswick
28 MARCH 2023
Are you like me and wonder what happened to customer service? We’ve become a society that is cutting out customer service more and more with online shopping, self-checkout, self-driving cars, and big box stores that act more like a warehouse more than a warm customer experience. I’m only 39 and I’ve seen a giant swing in my lifetime of how the customer service model has almost been thrown out the window.
I see this happening with large marketing firms as well. I see underserved clients all the time. Take the Yellow Pages for example. They have the highest turnover here in Saint John, simply because it’s a terrible job, calling companies to advertise and have their website hosted with them, only to let it sit to see what happens. It’s about volume to them, and helping your business grow with a strategy is the last thing they are thinking about.
I also see unsatisfied clients from low-cost marketing agencies that onboard as many companies as they can. They struggle to get things done because their staff is simply overwhelmed and too busy.
That’s where Valley Marketing’s model differs from any other in the greater Saint John area. I, Jeremy, am the sole employee. I have 2 designers I work extensively with and also lean on my Photography genius and business partner, Sean McGrath from time to time.
I take on a maximum of 10 long-term contracted clients at a time. New Brunswick businesses that need marketing help, don’t need a website to bring in new customers. They need someone that is going to take care of their brand, have all their online marketing channels looking professional and lean, and have an ongoing strategy with sales funnels built that actually brings people to their business. I will repeat, you don’t need a website to bring in customers. It takes an entire online marketing strategy with ongoing effort to see success.
Most business owners see marketing as a one-and-done. They try Google ads or Facebook ads with little success and they think it doesn’t work. WRONG! Having a professional that lives in this marketing world doing online ads is not the same as a business owner taking a stab at it. Have you heard of Re-Targeting Ads? Almost every medium to large size company uses retargeting ads in 2023 because we all know it works. This is something that a marketing professional knows inside and out.
Online Marketing is a constant effort that will change with time. Where and how you communicate with your potential customers will change frequently and if you’re not in front of those changes, you’re behind them.
For busy business owners who don’t want to pay a full-time marketing professional, meet Valley Marketing.
This business model makes customer service the key component to its success. I take great pride in making sure every client feels like they are a top priority. Since I limit the number of clients that onboard, I, the owner, have time to respond to requests within 24 hours, typically sooner. I am prompt and treat every client’s business as if it were my own.
I like to think that I am bringing back the value of customer service, in a way. I have a good number of long-term clients that not only see the value in customer service but also in a well-rounded online marketing strategy that works for their business. We only have 5 star reviews everywhere you look, and if you’re a company in Saint John or anywhere in New Brunswick that needs help with your brand and online marketing, I’d be happy to meet!

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